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New: You can now lint and format your code in the IDE

dbt Labs is excited to announce you can now lint and format your dbt code in the dbt Cloud IDE. This is an enhanced development workflow which empowers you to effortlessly prioritize code quality.

You can perform linting and formatting on five different file types: SQL, YAML, Markdown, Python, and JSON.

For SQL files, you can easily lint and format your code using SQLFluff and apply consistent formatting using sqlfmt. Additionally, for other file types like YAML, Markdown, JSON, and Python, you can utilize the respective tools powered by Prettier and Black to ensure clean and standardized code formatting.

For more info, read Lint and format your code.

Use SQLFluff to lint/format your SQL code, and view code errors in the Code Quality tab.Use SQLFluff to lint/format your SQL code, and view code errors in the Code Quality tab.
Use sqlfmt to format your SQL code.Use sqlfmt to format your SQL code.
Format YAML, Markdown, and JSON files using Prettier.Format YAML, Markdown, and JSON files using Prettier.