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April 2023 product docs updates

Hello from the dbt Docs team: @mirnawong1, @matthewshaver, @nghi-ly, and @runleonarun! We want to share some highlights introduced to in the last month:

🔎 Discoverability​

  • API docs now live in the left sidebar to improve discoverability.
  • The deploy dbt jobs sidebar has had a glow up 💅 that splits the ‘about deployment’ into two paths (deploy w dbt cloud and deploy w other tools), adds more info about the dbt cloud scheduler, its features, and how to create a job, adds ADF deployment guidance. We hope the changes improve the user experience and provide users with guidance when deploying with other tools.

☁ Cloud projects​

🎯 Core projects​

New 📚 Guides and ✏️ blog posts​