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Define properties

Learn how to define properties for your resources in a properties.yml file

In dbt, you can use properties.yml files to define properties for resources. You can declare properties in .yml files, in the same directory as your resources. You can name these files whatever_you_want.yml and nest them arbitrarily in sub-folders within each directory.

We highly recommend that you define properties in dedicated paths alongside the resources they're describing.


schema.yml files

Previous versions of the docs referred to these as schema.yml files — we've moved away from that terminology since the word schema is used to mean other things when talking about databases, and people often thought that you had to name these files schema.yml.

Instead, we now refer to these files as properties.yml files. (Of course, you're still free to name your files schema.yml) git pull

Which properties are not also configs?

In dbt, you can define node configs in properties.yml files, in addition to config() blocks and dbt_project.yml. However, some special properties can only be defined in the .yml file and you cannot configure them using config() blocks or the dbt_project.yml file:

Certain properties are special, because:

  • They have a unique Jinja rendering context
  • They create new project resources
  • They don't make sense as hierarchical configuration
  • They're older properties that haven't yet been redefined as configs

These properties are:


Here's an example that defines both sources and models for a project:

version: 2

- name: raw_jaffle_shop
description: A replica of the postgres database used to power the jaffle_shop app.
- name: customers
- name: id
description: Primary key of the table
- unique
- not_null

- name: orders
- name: id
description: Primary key of the table
- unique
- not_null

- name: user_id
description: Foreign key to customers

- name: status
- accepted_values:
values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'return_pending', 'returned']

- name: stg_jaffle_shop__customers # Must match the filename of a model -- including case sensitivity.
tags: ['pii']
- name: customer_id
- unique
- not_null

- name: stg_jaffle_shop__orders
materialized: view
- name: order_id
- unique
- not_null
- name: status
- accepted_values:
values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'return_pending', 'returned']
severity: warn

You can find an exhaustive list of each supported property and config, broken down by resource type:


Does my `.yml` file containing tests and descriptions need to be named `schema.yml`?
If I can name these files whatever I'd like, what should I name them?
Should I use separate files to declare resource properties, or one large file?
Can I add tests and descriptions in a config block?
Why do model and source yml files always start with `version: 2`?
Can I use a YAML file extension?

Troubleshooting common errors

 Invalid test config given in [model name]

This error occurs when your .yml file does not conform to the structure expected by dbt. A full error message might look like:

* Invalid test config given in models/schema.yml near {'namee': 'event', ...}
Invalid arguments passed to "UnparsedNodeUpdate" instance: 'name' is a required property, Additional properties are not allowed ('namee' was unexpected)

While verbose, an error like this should help you track down the issue. Here, the name field was provided as namee by accident. To fix this error, ensure that your .yml conforms to the expected structure described in this guide.

 Invalid syntax in your schema.yml file

If your .yml file is not valid yaml, then dbt will show you an error like this:

Runtime Error
Syntax error near line 6
5 | - name: events
6 | description; "A table containing clickstream events from the marketing website"
7 |

Raw Error:
while scanning a simple key
in "<unicode string>", line 6, column 5:
description; "A table containing clickstream events from the marketing website"

This error occurred because a semicolon (;) was accidentally used instead of a colon (:) after the description field. To resolve issues like this, find the .yml file referenced in the error message and fix any syntax errors present in the file. There are online YAML validators that can be helpful here, but please be mindful of submitting sensitive information to third-party applications!