📄️ Advanced usage
Alternative config block syntax
📄️ access
📄️ alias
Aliasing a resource lets you give it a custom name in the database instead of using the filename.
📄️ contract
When the contract configuration is enforced, dbt will ensure that your model's returned dataset exactly matches the attributes you have defined in yaml, such as name and data_type, as well as any additional constraints supported by the data platform.
📄️ database
Override the default database when dbt creates resources in your data platform.
📄️ docs
Docs - Read this in-depth guide to learn about configurations in dbt.
📄️ enabled
Enabled - Read this in-depth guide to learn about configurations in dbt.
📄️ event_time
dbt uses event_time to understand when an event occurred. When defined, event_time enables microbatch incremental models and more refined comparison of datasets during Advanced CI.
📄️ full_refresh
Set the full_refresh config for models and other resources in dbt.
📄️ grants
You can manage access to the datasets you're producing with dbt by using grants. To implement these permissions, define grants as resource configs on each model, seed, or snapshot. Define the default grants that apply to the entire project in your dbt_project.yml, and define model-specific grants within each model's SQL or YAML file.
📄️ group
📄️ meta
📄️ persist_docs
Persist_docs - Read this in-depth guide to learn about configurations in dbt.
📄️ Using the + prefix
The + prefix helps disambiguate between resource paths and configs in dbt_project.yml files.
📄️ pre-hook & post-hook
Configure hooks to execute SQL before (pre) and after (post) a model is run in dbt.
📄️ schema
Override the default schema when dbt creates resources in your data platform.
📄️ tags
Configure tags to label and organize your dbt models and resources.
📄️ unique_key
Learn more about unique_key configurations in dbt.