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In this page, let’s go deep into the ROW_NUMBER function and talk about what it is, how to use it, and why it’s important in analytics engineering work.

The ROW_NUMBER window function is an effective way to create a ranked column or filter a query based on rankings. More specifically, the ROW_NUMBER function returns the unique row number of a row in an ordered group or dataset.

Unlike the RANK and DENSE_RANK functions, ROW_NUMBER is non-deterministic, meaning that a unique number is assigned arbitrarily for rows with duplicate values.

How to use the ROW_NUMBER function

The ROW_NUMBER function has a pretty simple syntax, with an optional partition field and support for ordering customization:

row_number() over ([partition by <field(s)>] order by field(s) [asc | desc])

Some notes on this function’s syntax:

  • The partition by field is optional; if you want to get the row numbers of your entire dataset (compared to grabbing row number within a group of rows in your dataset), you would simply omit the partition by from the function call (see the example below for this).
  • By default, the ordering of a ROW_NUMBER function is set to ascending. To explicitly make the resulting order descending, you’ll need to pass in desc to the order by part of the function.

Let’s take a look at a practical example using the ROW_NUMBER function below.

ROW_NUMBER function example

row_number() over (partition by customer_id order by order_date) as row_n
from {{ ref('orders') }}
order by 1

This simple query using the Jaffle Shop’s orders table will return the unique row number per customer by their order_date:


Because ROW_NUMBER is non-deterministic, orders per customer that have the same order_date would have unique row_n values (unlike if you used the RANK or DENSE_RANK functions).

ROW_NUMBER syntax in Snowflake, Databricks, BigQuery, and Redshift

Most, if not all, modern data warehouses support ROW_NUMBER and other similar ranking functions; the syntax is also the same across them. Use the table below to read more on the documentation for the ROW_NUMBER function in your data warehouse.

Data warehouseROW_NUMBER support?
Amazon Redshift
Google BigQuery

ROW_NUMBER function use cases

We most commonly see the ROW_NUMBER function used in data work to:

  • In SELECT statements to add explicit and unique row numbers in a group of data or across an entire table
  • Paired with QUALIFY statement, filter CTEs, queries, or models to capture one unique row per specified partition with the ROW_NUMBER function. This is particularly useful when you need to remove duplicate rows from a dataset (but use this wisely!).

This isn’t an extensive list of where your team may be using the ROW_NUMBER function throughout your dbt models, but contains some common scenarios analytics engineers face day-to-day.