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SQL HAVING is just one of those little things that are going to make your ad hoc data work a little easier.

A not-so-fun fact about the WHERE clause is that you can’t filter on aggregates with it…that’s where HAVING comes in. With HAVING, you can not only define an aggregate in a select statement, but also filter on that newly created aggregate within the HAVING clause.

This page will walk through how to use HAVING, when you should use it, and discuss data warehouse support for it.

How to use the HAVING clause in SQL

The HAVING clause essentially requires one thing: an aggregate field to evaluate. Since HAVING is technically a boolean, it will return rows that execute to true, similar to the WHERE clause.

The HAVING condition is followed after a GROUP BY statement and optionally enclosed with an ORDER BY statement:

-- query
from <table>
group by <field(s)>
having condition
[optional order by]

That example syntax looks a little gibberish without some real fields, so let’s dive into a practical example using HAVING.

SQL HAVING example

count(order_id) as num_orders
from {{ ref('orders') }}
group by 1
having num_orders > 1 --if you replace this with `where`, this query would not successfully run

This simple query using the sample dataset Jaffle Shop’s orders table will return customers who have had more than one order:


The query above using the CTE utilizes more lines compared to the simpler query using HAVING, but will produce the same result.

SQL HAVING clause syntax in Snowflake, Databricks, BigQuery, and Redshift

Snowflake, Databricks, BigQuery, and Redshift all support the HAVING clause and the syntax for using HAVING is the same across each of those data warehouses.