IBM Netezza configurations
Instance requirements
To use IBM Netezza with dbt-ibm-netezza
adapter, ensure the instance has an attached catalog that supports creating, renaming, altering, and dropping objects such as tables and views. The user connecting to the instance via the dbt-ibm-netezza
adapter must have the necessary permissions for the target database.
For more details, please visit the official IBM documentation
IBM Netezza SQL Extension Toolkit
Ensure that you have the SQL Extension Toolkit installed on your IBM Netezza system. This is a pre-reqsuisite to run all the function which require string data manipulation and view options. Check docs for more details.
Seeds and prepared statements
The dbt-ibm-netezza
adapter offers comprehensive support for all datatypes in seed files. To leverage this functionality, you must explicitly define the data types for each column.
You can configure column data types either in the dbt_project.yml file or in property files, as supported by dbt. For more details on seed configuration and best practices, refer to the dbt seed configuration documentation.
- Check SQL Documentation: Review IBM Netezza SQL command reference to create your dbt project.