📄️ build
The dbt build command will:
📄️ clean
dbt clean is a utility function that deletes the paths specified within the clean-targets list in the dbt_project.yml file. It helps by removing unnecessary files or directories generated during the execution of other dbt commands, ensuring a clean state for the project.
📄️ clone
The dbt clone command clones selected nodes from the specified state to the target schema(s). This command makes use of the clone materialization:
📄️ docs
Generate and serve the docs for your dbt project.
📄️ compile
The dbt compile command creates executable SQL from model, test, and analysis files.
📄️ debug
dbt debug is a utility function to test the database connection and display information for debugging purposes, such as the validity of your project file, the dbt version, and your installation of any requisite dependencies (like git when you run dbt deps).
📄️ deps
dbt deps pulls the most recent version of the dependencies listed in your packages.yml from git. See Package-Management for more information.
📄️ environment
The dbt environment command enables you to interact with your dbt Cloud environment. Use the command for:
📄️ init
dbt init helps get you started using dbt Core!
📄️ invocation
The dbt invocation command is available in the dbt Cloud CLI and allows you to:
📄️ ls (list)
Read this guide on how dbt's ls (list) command can be used to list resources in your dbt project.
📄️ parse
Read this guide on how dbt's parse command can be used to parse your dbt project and write detailed timing information.
📄️ retry
dbt retry re-executes the last dbt command from the node point of failure. If the previously executed dbt command was successful, retry will finish as no operation.
📄️ rpc
Remote Procedure Call (rpc) dbt server compiles and runs queries, and provides methods that enable you to list and terminate running processes.
📄️ run
The dbt run command executes your compiled SQL models against a target database.
📄️ run-operation
Read this guide on how dbt's run-operation command can be used to invoke a macro.
📄️ seed
The dbt seed command will load csv files located in the seed-paths directory of your dbt project into your .
📄️ show
Use dbt show to:
📄️ snapshot
The dbt snapshot command executes the Snapshots defined in your project.
📄️ source
The dbt source command provides subcommands that are useful when working with source data. This command provides one subcommand, dbt source freshness.
📄️ test
dbt test runs tests defined on models, sources, snapshots, and seeds. It expects that you have already created those resources through the appropriate commands.
📄️ version
The --version command-line flag returns information about the currently installed version of dbt Core or the dbt Cloud CLI. This flag is not supported when invoking dbt in other dbt Cloud runtimes (for example, the IDE or scheduled runs).