📄️ Anonymous usage stats
dbt Labs is on a mission to build the best version of dbt possible, and a crucial part of that is understanding how users work with dbt. To this end, we've added some simple event tracking (or telemetry) to dbt using Snowplow. Importantly, we do not track credentials, raw model contents, or model names: we consider these private, and frankly none of our business.
📄️ Checking version compatibility
For the first several years of dbt Core's development, breaking changes were more common. For this reason, we encouraged setting dbt version requirements — especially if they use features that are newer or which may break in future versions of dbt Core. By default, if you run a project with an incompatible dbt version, dbt will raise an error.
📄️ Logs
Log Formatting
📄️ Cache
Cache population
📄️ Failing fast
Supply the -x or --fail-fast flag to dbt run to make dbt exit immediately if a single resource fails to build. If other models are in-progress when the first model fails, then dbt will terminate the connections for these still-running models.
📄️ Indirect selection
Use the --indirect-selection flag to dbt test or dbt build to configure which tests to run for the nodes you specify. You can set this as a CLI flag or an environment variable. In dbt Core, you can also configure user configurations in YAML selectors or in the flags: block of dbt_project.yml, which sets project-level flags.
📄️ JSON artifacts
Write JSON artifacts
📄️ Parsing
Partial Parsing
📄️ Print output
Suppress print() messages in stdout
📄️ Record timing info
The -r or --record-timing-info flag saves performance profiling information to a file. This file can be visualized with snakeviz to understand the performance characteristics of a dbt invocation.
📄️ Resource type
The --resource-type and --exclude-resource-type flags include or exclude resource types from the dbt build, dbt clone, and dbt list commands. In dbt v1.9 onwards, these flags are also supported in the dbt test command.
📄️ Warnings
Turning on the WARN_ERROR config will convert dbt warnings into errors. Any time dbt would normally warn, it will instead raise an error. Examples include --select criteria that selects no resources, deprecations, configurations with no associated models, invalid test configurations, or tests and freshness checks that are configured to return warnings.