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Lauren Benezra
Analytics Engineer at dbt Labs
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KonMari your data: Planning a query migration using the Marie Kondo method

· 10 min read
Lauren Benezra
Analytics Engineer at dbt Labs

If you’ve ever heard of Marie Kondo, you’ll know she has an incredibly soothing and meditative method to tidying up physical spaces. Her KonMari Method is about categorizing, discarding unnecessary items, and building a sustainable system for keeping stuff.

As an analytics engineer at your company, doesn’t that last sentence describe your job perfectly?! I like to think of the practice of analytics engineering as applying the KonMari Method to data modeling. Our goal as Analytics Engineers is not only to organize and clean up data, but to design a sustainable and scalable transformation project that is easy to navigate, grow, and consume by downstream customers.

Let’s talk about how to apply the KonMari Method to a new migration project. Perhaps you’ve been tasked with unpacking the kitchen in your new house; AKA, you’re the engineer hired to move your legacy SQL queries into dbt and get everything working smoothly. That might mean you’re grabbing a query that is 1500 lines of SQL and reworking it into modular pieces. When you’re finished, you have a performant, scalable, easy-to-navigate data flow.

Tackling the complexity of joining snapshots

· 16 min read
Lauren Benezra
Analytics Engineer at dbt Labs

Let’s set the scene. You are an analytics engineer at your company. You have several relational datasets flowing through your warehouse, and, of course, you can easily access and transform these tables through dbt. You’ve joined together the tables appropriately and have near-real time reporting on the relationships for each entity_id as it currently exists.

But, at some point, your stakeholder wants to know how each entity is changing over time. Perhaps, it is important to understand the trend of a product throughout its lifetime. You need the history of each entity_id across all of your datasets, because each related table is updated on its own timeline.

What is your first thought? Well, you’re a seasoned analytics engineer and you know the good people of dbt Labs have a solution for you. And then it hits you — the answer is snapshots!

How we remove partial duplicates: Complex deduplication to refine your models' grain

· 11 min read
Lauren Benezra
Analytics Engineer at dbt Labs

Hey data champion — so glad you’re here! Sometimes datasets need a team of engineers to tackle their deduplification (totz a real word), and that’s why we wrote this down. For you, friend, we wrote it down for you. You’re welcome!

Let’s get rid of these dupes and send you on your way to do the rest of the super-fun-analytics-engineering that you want to be doing, on top of super-sparkly-clean data. But first, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page.