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Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs
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Data engineers + dbt v1.5: Evolving the craft for scale

· 12 min read
Sung Won Chung
Solutions Architect at dbt Labs
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

I, Sung, entered the data industry by chance in Fall 2014. I was using this thing called audit command language (ACL) to automate debits equal credits for accounting analytics (yes, it’s as tedious as it sounds). I remember working my butt off in a hotel room in Des Moines, Iowa where the most interesting thing there was a Panda Express. It was late in the AM. I’m thinking about 2 am. And I took a step back and thought to myself, “Why am I working so hard for something that I just don’t care about with tools that hurt more than help?”

DATE_TRUNC SQL function: Why we love it

· 5 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

In general, data people prefer the more granular over the less granular. Timestamps > dates, daily data > weekly data, etc.; having data at a more granular level always allows you to zoom in. However, you’re likely looking at your data at a somewhat zoomed-out level—weekly, monthly, or even yearly. To do that, you’re going to need a handy dandy function that helps you round out date or time fields.

The DATE_TRUNC function will truncate a date or time to the first instance of a given date part. Wordy, wordy, wordy! What does this really mean? If you were to truncate 2021-12-13 out to its month, it would return 2021-12-01 (the first day of the month).

Using the DATE_TRUNC function, you can truncate to the weeks, months, years, or other date parts for a date or time field. This can make date/time fields easier to read, as well as help perform cleaner time-based analyses.

DATEDIFF SQL function: Why we love it

· 5 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

“How long has it been since this customer last ordered with us?”

“What is the average number of days to conversion?”

Business users will have these questions, data people will have to answer these questions, and the only way to solve them is by calculating the time between two different dates. Luckily, there’s a handy DATEDIFF function that can do that for you.

The DATEDIFF function will return the difference in specified units (ex. days, weeks, years) between a start date/time and an end date/time. It’s a simple and widely used function that you’ll find yourself using more often than you expect.

A star (generator) is born

· 3 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

We’ve likely been here: Table A has 56 columns and we want to select all but one of them (column_56). So here we go, let’s get started…

from {{ ref('table_a') }}

At this point, you realize your will to continue typing out the next 52 columns has essentially dwindled down to nothing and you’re probably questioning the life choices that led you here.

But what if there was a way to make these 56+ lines of code come down to a handful? Well, that’s where a handy dbt macro comes into play.

EXTRACT SQL function: Why we love it

· 4 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

There are so many different date functions in SQL—you have DATEDIFF, DATEADD, DATE_PART, and DATE_TRUNC to name a few. They all have their different use cases and understanding how and when they should be used is a SQL fundamental to get down. Are any of those as easy to use as the EXTRACT function? Well, that debate is for another time…

In this post, we’re going to give a deep dive into the EXTRACT function, how it works, and why we use it.

LOWER SQL function: Why we love it

· 4 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

We’ve all been there:

  • In a user signup form, user A typed in their name as Kira Furuichi, user B typed it in as john blust, and user C wrote DAvid KrevitT (what’s up with that, David??)
  • Your backend application engineers are adamant customer emails are in all caps
  • All of your event tracking names are lowercase

In the real world of human imperfection, opinions, and error, string values are likely to take inconsistent capitalization across different data sources (or even within the same data source). There’s always a little lack of rhyme or reason for why some values are passed as upper or lowercase, and it’s not worth the headache to unpack that.

So how do you create uniformity for string values that you collect across all your data sources? The LOWER function!

COALESCE SQL function: Why we love it

· 4 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

It’s inevitable in the field of analytics engineering: you’re going to encounter moments when there’s mysterious or unhelpful blank values in your data. Null values surely have their time and place, but when you need those null values filled with more meaningful data, COALESCE comes to the rescue.

COALESCE is an incredibly useful function that allows you to fill in unhelpful blank values that may show up in your data. In the words of analytics engineer Lauren Benezra, you will probably almost never see a data model that doesn’t use COALESCE somewhere.

From the Slack Archives: When Backend Devs Spark Joy for Data Folks

· 5 min read
Kira Furuichi
Technical Writer at dbt Labs

"I forgot to mention we dropped that column and created a new one for it!”

“Hmm, I’m actually not super sure why customer_id is passed as an int and not a string.”

“The primary key for that table is actually the order_id, not the id field.”

I think many analytics engineers, including myself, have been on the receiving end of some of these comments from their backend application developers.

Backend developers work incredibly hard. They create the database and tables that drive the heart of many businesses. In their efforts, they can sometimes overlook, forget, or not understand their impact on analytics work. However, when backend developers do understand and implement the technical and logistical requirements from data teams, they can spark joy.

So what makes strong collaboration possible between analytics engineers and backend application developers?