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Gwen Windflower
Senior Developer Experience Advocate
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How to build a Semantic Layer in pieces: step-by-step for busy analytics engineers

· 10 min read
Gwen Windflower
Senior Developer Experience Advocate

The dbt Semantic Layer is founded on the idea that data transformation should be both flexible, allowing for on-the-fly aggregations grouped and filtered by definable dimensions and version-controlled and tested. Like any other codebase, you should have confidence that your transformations express your organization’s business logic correctly. Historically, you had to choose between these options, but the dbt Semantic Layer brings them together. This has required new paradigms for how you express your transformations though.

Maximum override: Configuring unique connections in dbt Cloud

· 6 min read
Gwen Windflower
Senior Developer Experience Advocate

dbt Cloud now includes a suite of new features that enable configuring precise and unique connections to data platforms at the environment and user level. These enable more sophisticated setups, like connecting a project to multiple warehouse accounts, first-class support for staging environments, and user-level overrides for specific dbt versions. This gives dbt Cloud developers the features they need to tackle more complex tasks, like Write-Audit-Publish (WAP) workflows and safely testing dbt version upgrades. While you still configure a default connection at the project level and per-developer, you now have tools to get more advanced in a secure way. Soon, dbt Cloud will take this even further allowing multiple connections to be set globally and reused with global connections.